High-Performance Joining Technology

Joining technology for perfect connections

Efficient joining technology for your production

Benefit from the innovative strength and expertise of the technology leader: our intelligent solutions for flexible and highly productive joining technology are specially designed to optimize your production processes and give you a clear competitive advantage. With our customized joining technology systems, you can not only increase your efficiency, but also react flexibly to market requirements.

Our products in industrial joining technology

G-Prime Configuration

A welding system precisely tailored to your requirements?
It's possible with our configuration.

Discover more about our advanced joining technology and configure your optimum welding system.

Configure now


Innovative system development in joining technology: developed in partnership, perfectly implemented

Pioneering ideas in joining technology arise when knowledge is shared and new solutions are developed together. That is why we attach particular importance to working in partnership with you. From the initial idea and development through design and production to the start of production and beyond: let's shape the future of joining technology together.

Our comprehensive know-how and many years of experience in development, project planning and implementation guarantee the high reliability and availability of our joining technology and welding systems. Put your trust in innovative joining technology that is specially tailored to your requirements and makes your production processes more efficient.

Find out more about our development strength in joining technology. 

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